Behind the Hazel Eyes by Kelly Clarkson

Seems like just yesterday
You were a part of me
I used to stand so tall
I used to be so strong
Your arms around me tight
Everything, it felt so right
Unbreakable like nothing could go wrong

Now I can't breathe
No, I can't sleep
I'm barely hanging on

Here I am
Once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it
Can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

I told you everything
Opened up and let you in
You made me feel alright for once in my life
Now all that's left of me
Is what I pretend to be
So together but so broken up inside

'Cause I can't breathe
No, I can't sleep
I'm barely hanging on


Swallow me then spit me out
For hating you, I blame myself
Just seeing you, it kills me now
Now I don't cry
On the outside, anymore!

[Chorus: x2]

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Teaching Vocabulary to Young Children By Using Full Colors Pictionary (Picture Dictionary)

Harmer stated, “… one of the most common beliefs about age and language learning is that young children learn faster and more effectively than any other group. … Their understanding comes not just from explanation, but also from what they see.  (Harmer: 2007, pp. 81-82).   Fun with young said that young learners are learners in elementary school aging 9-10 years old who are learning as foreign language ( ). Here, we can see that the gold period to learn any language, for example English is on this ages because they learn faster on this period by see the new words in pictures. Increasing their ability in learning English can be done by teaching them vocabulary with full colors Pictionary. From experts opinion, we can say that full color picture dictionary is a dictionary that contains alphabetical words with their meanings and shows pictures with full of colors that can make it more interesting and, understandable. This Pictionary is full of colors so that young children can understand and after that remember some words in easy way by looking its picture. There are some examples of full colors picture dictionary, one of it, for instance here is Cambridge picture dictionary. We are who study in English education can use full color Pictionary to teach vocabulary for young children. There are five ways to teach vocabulary to young children by using full colors Pictionary.
Nowadays, there are so many techniques to attract young children to learn foreign language. Learning foreign language can be started by knowing simple vocabularies. The techniques are used before are bored for them. They like to see picture, this in the main point to teach them vocabulary. The vocabularies that are made into one dictionary which is supported with full colors pictures can be the most interesting technique to teach young children. There are five ways to teach vocabulary to young children by using full colors Pictionary. First way is finding new words or difficult words in reading, writing, speaking and listening task. After finding the new or difficult word, they are asked to write those words in white board or their notebooks. In teaching vocabulary week online stated, “Vocabulary notebooks help the EFL and ESL instruction as a tool (teaching vocabulary week IV.html page 2). Then they have to guess the meaning of those words first. After that, teacher gives clues to the students to help them guess the meaning.
The next way is the teacher asks the students to open their full colors picture dictionaries. In ELTchat.htm said that visual representation of vocabulary is helpful, especially with low-level learners. Teachers can use picture vocabulary … (How to activate vocabulary – ELTchat Summary 16_02_2010 _ ELTchat.htm). The teacher asks the students to open their full colors Pictionary. Paul Nation in his journal of teaching vocabulary said that ways of quickly giving attention and meaning to words by showing a picture of that words (Nation, page 1). The students have to find their difficult or new words in those dictionaries. They will be interested by the picture of some words that they do not understand. If they are interested, they will remember it in a long time. Based on how to teach vocabulary, the picture of words as a visual mnemonics can be placed in order to elicit words from long-term memory into working memory (how to teach vocabulary.html page 8).
The third way is making some example of sentences based on those words which are looked up into full color Pictionary that is done by the teacher. After that students are asked to make their own sentences based on their difficult words which are look up into their dictionaries. Making sentences based on some difficult words make the student more understand about those words.
Do not miss it. When the teacher teaches vocabulary, that vocabulary should be pronounced well. Here, the last way is teacher has to teach to pronounce the vocabulary in the right way.
To sum up, there are four ways to teach vocabulary to young children by using full colors Pictionary. First way is trying to find the difficult or new words in reading, writing, listening, and speaking task. After that students can their full colors Pictionary to look up the words that they do not understand. The next way is making some sentences based on the words that students do not understand. The last way is teacher helps the students to pronounce the words well. Full color Pictionary as a something that teacher can use to teach vocabulary in easy and interesting way, so that the student can remember it in a long time.


Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching Fourth Edition. New York: Pearson Longman.

Nation, Paul: Teaching Vocabulary page 8.Accessed on Tuesday, November 15th 2011.

http:///www.teachingvocabulary.htm page 2 accessed on Tuesday, November 15th, 2011.

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Pelacur Hakimi Pelacur

Suatu hari ada pemuka agama, tokoh masyarakat, menjatuhkan hukuman atas seorang wanita yang dianggap berzina, walaupun wanita itu sebenarnya pelacur. Hukuman yang dijatuhkan kepadanya tidak main-main: rajam atau hukuman mati, dengan cara dilempari batu sampai ia menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir.

Tidak hanya para pemuka agama dan tokoh masyarakat, tetapi anak-anak kecil--mereka yang tidak tahu "dosa" itu apa, "pelacuran", dan "zina" itu apa-- turut ambil bagian dalam aksi pembubuhan seorang wanita yang dianggap "tuna susila" oleh masyarakat yang menganggap dirinya "cukup susila".

Tubuh wanita itu sudah berlumuran darah, ia menjerit kesakitan. Tiba-tiba dari salah satu sudut jalan muncul sosok seorang pria--kurus, tinggi, berjubah putih. Ia mendekati wanita yang malang yang sedang dilempari batu itu. Ia mengangkat wanita itu, memeluknya. Matanya merah, bibirnya gemetaran, namun suaranya berapi-api-- bagaikan suara petir di tengah hari:

"Kalian sedang melempari batu--kalian yang ingin membunuh wanita ini--kenapa kalian ingin membunuh dia? Karena ia seorang pelacur? Karena ia melacurkan badannya? Apakah kalian lebih baik dari dia? Kalian telah melacurkan jiwa kalian, roh kalian. Kalian semua munafik. Adakah satu pun di antara kalian yang belum pernah melacurkan jiwanya, rohnya? Kalau ada, biarkan dia melemparkan batu pertama. Kalian semua kotor, tidak bersih. Kalian tidak berhak menghukum wanita ini."

Kata orang, yang melindungi wanita malang itu adalah Nabi Isa.

( Dari sebuah buku berjudul Tuhan, Izinkan Aku Menjadi Pelacur karya Muhidin M. Dahlan
  Dikutip dari Anand Krisnha, Surat Al-Fatihah Bagi Orang Modern, 1999:64)

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Can Career Woman Be a Good Mother?

Time by time, woman who lives in a big city has double professions as a career woman and a mother to develop herself. From the previous statement, can career woman be a good mother? My answer is i agree that career woman can be a good mother because of four reasons.
First reason, not all of career woman seems like confuse to manage their time between her family and her work, for example teacher or career woman who has home industry. Woman teacher only works until 4 P.M. After that, she can go home and care her family, give her attention to her family members. Woman who has home industry, she can care her family because almost all of her time a day at home. Our society says that career woman cannot manage her time well between her family and her work. Is that so? I do not think so because of several reasons before.
Next reason is nowadays, there are so many machines which can help to do the housework well. They can help career woman who has double profession to help do the housework and take no longer time, for example, washing machine, rice cooker, microwave and so on. For caring the baby, it can be done by baby sitter for half day. For the rest of half day, she can handle it after working outside.
Some people say that career woman cannot do the housework well, for example, washing clothes, cooking, or caring the baby. It means that they do not enough money to buy those machines and pay baby sitter because they who say that usually do not become career woman. They also cannot take advantages of those machines to help their activity at home.
Third reason be a career woman can make woman has independent in monetary. If the woman as a career woman, she is also as a wife not only depends on husband income, but also she can get money by herself. This situation can increase family’s income. That income can be used for saving and the income from husband can be used for family’s daily needs or something else. As we know woman has high shopping passion, so if the woman wants to buy something and her husband cannot fulfill it, she can use her income to do it. If someday the woman will be divorce or left by her husband, she still can live because she has job for getting money to continue her life and her son’s life. People say that it can decrease husband authority as a main man in family who has act for earning money. That is ridiculous reason. People can see women who are not to be career women. They just ask money to her husband and if their husband cannot give them enough money, they become angry. They only can angry without do anything, for example earning money.
The last reason, the family who has mother as a career woman should be proud because her mother can be useful for people around them. She can actualize herself and have a part in the environment. Like a wise word, woman is a country pillar. If the woman can get one step forward as career woman who has a part in the environment and as a mother who can care her family, she absolutely has done to help the country better. If the people say the family members who have mother who is to be career woman cannot feel her touch, love and attention fully, it means that they have high self ego. They do not give attention to their environment. Come on people, our environment needs our social act not only business man but also career woman to make our country better.
Career woman can be a good mother because she can do the housework well, increase the family’s income, and be useful for people around her. Becoming a career woman who can be a good mother is a brave decision. The family members should support her to be a good mother who can be useful for anyone.

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Potret Wanita dalam Sejarah hingga Masa Kini

  Semua orang pasti mengetahui R.A . Kartini. Kartini adalah sosok pencetus emansipasi wanita di Indonesia. Dia ingin wanita-wanita pribumi sejajar dengan laki-laki dalam hal mendapatkan pendidikan. Dia mendirikan sekolah kecil untuk mengajari wanita di daerahnya untuk sekedar mengerti baca tulis. Mereka diharapkan tidak hanya berada di belakang panggung yaitu rumah mereka, hanya bisa memasak, mengurus anak dan melayani suami. Kartini berharap kaumnya mengenyam pendidikan dan mengerti akan khasanah ilmu yang layak untuk mereka teguk yang nantinya dapat mereka aplikasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Sekilas kita perlu mengetahui tentang Konggres perempuan II. Pada Konggres Perempuan II di Jakarta tahun 1935 memutuskan bahwa perempuan Indonesia bertugas sebagai ‘Ibu Bangsa’ dengan kewajiban “mengusahakan supaya generasi muda insyaf akan kewajiban kebangsaan. Generasi baru yang dimaksud dalam putusan tersebut adalah anak-anak yang lahir ke dunia yang diharapkan menjadi manusia yang sadar akan hak dan kewajibannya sebagai rakyat Indonesia. Sedangkan kewajiban kebangsaan yang dimaksud dalam putusan tersebut adalah para generasi muda penerus bangsa berhak dan wajib memajukan bangsanya yaitu Indonesia sesuai dengan bakat dan kemampuan mereka.
Lantas apa relasi antara emansipasi Kartini dan hasil putusan Konggres Perempuan  II? Emansipasi yang dimaksud oleh Kartini adalah wanita harus berjuang untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang setingi-tingginya agar nantinya dapat bermanfaat bagi keluarga dan sekitarnya. Setinggi-tingginya pendidikan atau karier seorang wanita, dia haruslah sadar akan peran utamanya sebagai ‘Ibu Bangsa’, mendidik anak mereka untuk menjadi manusia-manusia yang bermanfaat bagi diri sendiri dan lingkungannya yang sesuai dengan putusan Konggres Perempuan II.
Sedangkan saat ini dapat kita lihat wanita dengan emansipasinya berada di berbagai bidang mulai budaya, politik, sosial, ekonomi dan masih banyak lagi. Wanita memang memiliki kesempatan berkarier lebih besar dengan dasar emansipasi atau istilah kerennya kesetaraan gender  tersebut.  Namun, disadari atau tidak waktu mereka lebih banyak tercurah kepada karier daripada keluarga mereka. Akibatnya kehidupan keluarga mereka terlantar, anak-anak mereka kurang perhatian dan kasih sayang.
Urusan rumah sepenuhnya dipercayakan kepada pembantu mulai dari penjagaan anak hingga masalah dapur. Bahkan ada sebuah slentingan menggelikan yang mengatakan bahwa bayi-bayi  sekarang adalah anak sapi karena mereka menerima ASI  dari ibu mereka hanya beberapa bulan saja atau bahkan tidak sama sekali. Mereka diberi susu sapi yang dikemas dalam bentuk bubuk dengan berbagai merk sebagai pengganti ASI. Saat anak-anak beranjak remaja dengan kelabilan emosi dan jiwa, mereka kembali kurang perhatian orangtua terlebih ibunya. Mereka terjerumus dalam pergaulan bebas. Rokok,miras bahkan narkoba sudah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sebagian besar remaja saat ini.
Di sisi lain, para pemimpin dunia yang tangguh konon lahir dari seorang ibu yang tangguh pula karena dengan sentuhannya, anak-anak mereka dapat merubah dunia. Dan bagi mereka yang sudah berkeluarga, sosok istri juga turut andil dalam pemikiran dan pengambilan keputusan mereka.
Sudah ada dua cerminan sosok yang lahir dari sentuhan seorang ibu yang merangkap jabatan sebagai istri. Wanita Indonesia ingin menghsilkan generasi penerus bangsa yang bisa merubah dunia ataukah yang menjadi sampah masyarakat? Semua itu sudah tercatat dalam sejarah sesuai harapan Kartini dan Konggres perempuan II. Tinggal wanita Indonesia mau mengaplikasikannya atau tidak untuk bangsanya dan keluarganya.

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Mengapa Wanita Gampang Migrain???

Pertanyaan ini pernah muncul di benak saya saat saya sering migrain terutama di bagian kanan kepala saya beberapa saat yang lalu. Lantas saya menemukan jawabannya dalam sebuah talk show di televisi tentang kesehatan yang narasumbernya adalah salah satu dokter spesialis di Surabaya. Ingin tau apa alsannya, simak pemaparan di bawah ini langsung on the spot alias di TKP

Beliau mengatakan penyakit migrain yang umumnya terjadi pada wanita adalah karena rasa marah, jengkel, sebel atau sebangsanya yang terus dipendam yang akhirnya mengumpul di saluran empedu (kalu gak salah soalnya saya lupa bagian apa tepatnya) yang berada di bagian kanan kepala kita. jika perasaan marah atau jengkel tersebut terpendam lama di saluran ini maka akan menggangu kerja bagian tubuh kita yang satu ini dan peredaran darah di otak menjadi tidak lancar. hal itulah yang menyababkan pusing hanya di bagian kepala kanan kita.

Beliau memaparkan bahwa penderita migrain rata-rata seorang wanita karena wanita amarah dan kejengkelannya lebih mudah tersulut daripada pria. Hal ini bisa anda lihat di sekitar anda. nah, bagi para wanita yang marahnya mudah tersulut, beliau mengatakan bahwa di usia selanjunya gak perlu nunggu tua, resiko terkena stroke lebih besar karena marah yang menggaggu kerja syaraf otak kita.

Dokter spesialis ini juga membenarkan tentang keterlibatan antara perasaan dalam hati dan pikiran kita yang dapat memicu suatu penyakit seperti dalam ceramah pagi di salah satu acara televisi yang membahas sangkut-paut tingkah laku dan pikir dengan suatu penyakit yang diderita seseorang.

jadi teman, jika kita merasa memiliki suatu penyakit, alangkah baiknya kita melihat perilaku kita. Itu adalah hubungan sebab akibat yang mungkin tidak kita ketahui.

Ini juga bisa menjadi pelajaran buat saya tentang manajemen kesabaran, mudah memaafkan dan membuang jauh-jauh rasa marah terhadap sesuatu atau seseorang. Mungkin susah awalnya, tapi jika dibiasakan akan menjadi mudah. yah, itung-itung ibadah buat sabar plus terapi buat migrain saya. hhehe

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